Care Coordination: Multidisciplinary Approach in Integrating Oral Oncolytics into CLL Practice
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Care Coordination: Multidisciplinary Approach in Integrating Oral Oncolytics into CLL Practice
The session will focus on practical solutions on integrating oral oncolytics into CLL practices, including issues of workforce limitations, presence or lack thereof medically integrated dispensing pharmacies and administrations support of the process and educational tools to support adherence of oral oncolytics for patients with CLL.
Learning objectives:
1) Define the roles of the multidisciplinary team in managing patients with CLL/SLL
2) Outline barriers in the integration of oral oncolytics in patients with CLL/SLL
3) Highlight best practices in the management of patients with CLL/SLL
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Farrukh T. Awan, MD
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Farrukh Awan, M.D., is a Professor in the Departmentof Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center and a member of theDivision of Hematology and Oncology at UTSW’s Harold C. SimmonsComprehensive Cancer Center where he leads the Lymphoid MalignanciesProgram. He specializes in stem cell transplant, cellular therapies andevaluation of novel therapies for the treatment of patients with lymphoidmalignancies and chronic lymphocytic leukemias.
Dr. Awan completed a residency in internal medicine atthe University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and received advanced training inhematology and oncology through a fellowship at The Ohio State University. Heis certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board ofMedical Oncology, and the American Board of Hematology and is a member ofseveral professional organizations, including the American Medical Association,the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and the American Society ofHematology. He is also the recipient of the Young Investigator Award from theAmerican Society of Clinical Oncology and the Clinical Career Development Awardfrom the Lymphoma Research Foundation.
Dr. Awan has delivered scores of presentations,administered multiple grants and clinical trials, and published numerousacademic articles and book chapters.

Nikki L. Barkett, RN, BSN, OCN
Oral Antineoplastics Nurse Navigator
University of Arizona Cancer Center
Nikki Barkett, RN, BSN, OCN, is the Oral Antineoplastics Nurse Navigator (OANN) at the Banner University of Arizona Cancer Center. She earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing at the California State University, Chico. She relies on her more than 27 years of oncology nursing experience to guide her oral antineoplastic education and adverse event management. Nikki is a member of Acedemy of Oncology Nurse and Patient Navigators (AONN+), Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), and Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC).
She is a member of the ACCC Financial Advocacy Advisory Committee and co-presented “Financial Advocacy in a Value-Based World” at the 35th ACCC National Oncology Pre-Conference in 2018. She is also a member of the Financial Toxicity Committee at Banner University of Arizona Cancer Center, evaluating the use of screening tools to proactively identify patients at high-risk for financial distress, improving health literacy by educating and evaluating patients at key time points throughout their cancer journey, and evaluating the efficacy of an insurance navigator housed within the clinic.

Kirollos S. Hanna, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP, FACCC (Moderator)
Oncology Pharmacy Manager
M Health Fairview - Maple Grove
Dr. Hanna is board certified by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties in Oncology Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapy. He received his doctorate of pharmacy from Florida A&M University, completed his general residency at St. Thomas Hospital, Nashville, TN and his oncology residency at St. Luke's Mountain States Tumor Institute, Boise, ID. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Pharmacy at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and the Oncology Pharmacy Manager at M Health Fairview, Maple Grove.
Dr. Hanna’s research interests are focused on B-cell malignancies and genitourinary cancers. He has published over a dozen peer-reviewed manuscripts in various journals including Pharmacotherapy, AJHP, Drugs, JOPP, AJMC and JHOP. He is also an active member of the Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association, Association of Community Cancer Centers, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation and the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.

Marie Sirek, PharmD, BCACP, CPP
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist - Oral Oncology
Billings Clinic
Marie Sirek is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Oral Oncology at Billings Clinic Cancer Center in Billings, Montana. Dr. Sirek received her Doctorate of Pharmacy from North Dakota State University followed by a PGY1 and PGY2 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Residency at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. She is Board Certification in Ambulatory Care Pharmacy and a Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner.
During residency Dr. Sirek discovered a passion for ambulatory oncology care. She has been working along-side providers in the outpatient Cancer Center at Billings Clinic since 2017 and has developed a successful pharmacist-run oral oncology management service. This service utilizes a collaborative practice agreement, medically integrated dispensing, and collaboration with Billings Clinic Specialty Pharmacy. Dr. Sirek’s research interests include patient self-actualization, patient education, and management or oral oncolytics.