Telehealth Success Stories: Remote Symptom Monitoring Using Patient Reported Outcomes
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Telehealth Success Stories: Remote Symptom Monitoring Using Patient Reported Outcomes
Multiple studies have shown that integrating remote symptom monitoring into cancer care using patient-reported outcomes (PRO) favorably impacts quality of life, healthcare utilization, and overall survival in patients with cancer. However patient adherence with remote PROs outside of a clinical trial is widely variable. With the integration of technology into cancer care and the rapid adoption of telehealth during the pandemic, Dr. Subbiah will present results from an MD Anderson study which seeks to understand the impact of telehealth on patient health behaviors, specifically their adherence with remote symptom monitoring measured by PRO completion patterns, before and during the pandemic.
Ishwaria Subbiah, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Division of Cancer Medicine
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
This webinar is open to the public. You do not need to be an ACCC member to view this webinar, but you will need to create an account to register. Please click the "Registration Instructions" tab for details.
This webinar is part of the ACCC education program, Digital Bridges. This project is supported by Merck.

Ishwaria Subbiah, MD, MS
Assistant Professor, Division of Cancer Medicine
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Dr. Ishwaria Subbiah is a Palliative Care physician and medical oncologist at MD Anderson. Dr. Subbiah is uniquely qualified for this role, having completed clinical fellowship training at MD Anderson first in developmental therapeutics, Medical Oncology, and Palliative Medicine. With this robust foundation in phase I and II clinical trial design, novel therapeutics, medical oncology practice, and symptom management, Dr. Subbiah cultivates a clinical practice and research focus on Supportive Care driven by patient reported outcomes (PROs) with particular emphasis on the older adults. At MD Anderson, she chairs the Patient Survey Informatics Committee overseeing the institution-wide implementation of PROs into routine clinical care. She also serves on the Older Adult Oncology guidelines committee of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN). Dr. Subbiah’s academic portfolio includes peer-reviewed funding from the American Cancer Society builds on the interplay of palliative medicine and oncology.