ACCC 38th [Virtual] National Oncology Conference On-Demand

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Hundreds of attendees came together during #ACCCNOC and experienced two days of inspiring, practical, and collaborative presentations. Throughout the conference ideas were exchanged, common experiences discussed, and attendees were able to walk away with tangible solutions for everyday challenges.


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  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Cancer Care’s Path to Recovery from the Global Pandemic

    Cancer Care’s Path to Recovery from the Global Pandemic
    Debra Patt, MD, PhD, MBA, FASCO, Executive Vice President, Public Policy and Strategic Initiatives
    Texas Oncology 

    As healthcare systems navigated how to best keep patients with cancer safe during COVID-19, it resulted in dramatic drops in access to care, including preventative screenings, cancer management visits, and surgeries. Now the impact on disease progression, cancer morbidity, and death rates are beginning to be realized. Learn strategies to increase awareness and ramp up screening efforts in your own community through programs like “Time to Screen,” a nationwide campaign that offers assistance and educational resources to connect patients with appropriate screenings and services.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    With the understanding that patient education about palliative care is an important component of oncology care, this practice implemented an advanced practice provider-physician model to provide this education. Risk-stratification assessment tools establish baseline metrics related to deficits in the areas of nutrition, psychosocial health, performance and mental status changes, skin breakdown, fall risks, incontinence risk, and treatment tolerance, as well as existing co-morbidities. Providers then use these outcome measurements to make patient-specific, safe treatment decisions about chemotherapy, immunotherapy, surgery, and/or radiation.

    Jia Conway, DNP, CRNP, AOCNP, Nurse Practitioner
    Cancer Care Associates of York

    With the understanding that patient education about palliative care is an important component of oncology care, this practice implemented an advanced practice provider-physician model to provide this education. Risk-stratification assessment tools establish baseline metrics related to deficits in the areas of nutrition, psychosocial health, performance and mental status changes, skin breakdown, fall risks, incontinence risk, and treatment tolerance, as well as existing co-morbidities. Providers then use these outcome measurements to make patient-specific, safe treatment decisions about chemotherapy, immunotherapy, surgery, and/or radiation.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Increased use of CT scans in emergency departments leads to higher rates of incidental radiologic findings, including adrenal masses and pulmonary lung nodules. In this “pull” model for follow-up care, ED providers use the EHR to prompt oncology nurse navigators and case managers to contact patients with incidental findings. Prompt follow-up allows for earlier diagnosis and treatment—improving care and the patient experience. From a business perspective, the cancer program realized financial gains through additional visits, procedures, surgeries, radiology scans, and/or labs.

    Nicholas Garland, MS, Senior Project Manager
    Katharine Klar, RN, BSN, Assistant Nurse Manager
    Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center

    Increased use of CT scans in emergency departments leads to higher rates of incidental radiologic findings, including adrenal masses and pulmonary lung nodules. In this “pull” model for follow-up care, ED providers use the EHR to prompt oncology nurse navigators and case managers to contact patients with incidental findings. Prompt follow-up allows for earlier diagnosis and treatment—improving care and the patient experience. From a business perspective, the cancer program realized financial gains through additional visits, procedures, surgeries, radiology scans, and/or labs.