Financial Advocacy Boot Camp Level I
The Financial Advocacy Boot Camp provides needed resources and expands the skills and knowledge base of providers who deal directly with patients on complex financial issues surrounding their cancer diagnosis and treatment.
This free course is only available to members of ACCC. If you are not a member of ACCC, explore your membership options.
This course is broken into five knowledge areas, with lessons developed and reviewed by our content matter experts. Upon completion of the modules, the learner will receive a certificate of completion and will be acknowledged on the FAN webpage as a recipient of certificate. If you have any questions, please contact the ACCC Provider Education team at resources@accc-cancer.org.

Intro Questions
4 Questions
4 Questions
Please complete these brief questions before beginning the Financial Advocacy Boot Camp coursework.
Domain 1 Pre-Assessment
6 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/6 points to pass
6 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/6 points to pass
1.1: Basics of Financial Advocacy
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This module covers job titles, advocacy models, and the roles and responsibilities of financial advocates working in community cancer programs. Financial advocates will review how new patients flow through different types of cancer programs and where financial advocates can effectively engage and communicate with patients and other members of the cancer care team to provide guidance around financial resources.
1.2: Overview of Health Insurance Coverage
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This module will review key health insurance terminology and summarize how health insurance plans provide coverage. Financial advocates will review the fundamentals of basic types of public and private health insurance plans (HMOs, PPOs,), as well as benefit verification, prior authorization, tiered drug formularies, maximum out-of-pocket (OOP) costs, disability, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and more.
Domain 2 Pre-Assessment
10 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/10 points to pass
10 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/10 points to pass
2.1: Effective Patient Communication, Education, and Engagement
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This module covers effective communicate strategies that can improve patient education and lead to greater patient engagement. Financial advocates will understand how to assess patients for their levels of health literacy and employ key components of active listening and motivational interviewing.
2.2: Screening for Financial Toxicity
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This module covers how to utilize effective screening tools to identify cancer patients who are at high risk for financial toxicity. Financial advocates will gain the skills to ask the right questions and navigate patient conversations about financial responsibility and financial distress.
Domain 3 Pre-Assessment
11 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/11 points to pass
11 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/11 points to pass
3.2: Navigating Medicare
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This module provides an overview of Medicare and how the different parts of Medicare provide coverage for cancer patients. Financial advocates will learn about Medicare Advantage, Medigap, and how patients can effectively navigate through other Medicare options to improve coverage for cancer care.
3.3: ACA and the Marketplace
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This module provides an overview of the Affordable Care Act. Financial advocates will learn how to guide cancer patients through the health insurance marketplace (Marketplace), compare health insurance coverage options, and when patients may qualify for special enrollment periods.
3.4: Reducing the Out-of-Pocket Burden
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This module identifies methods to reduce the out-of-pocket (OOP) burden that cancer patients experience based on the types of treatments they receive. Financial advocates will understand how different types of cancer services lead to various types of OOP costs, and they will learn how to guide patients through potential strategies that may alleviate financial burdens.
Domain 4 Pre-Assessment
12 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/12 points to pass
12 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/12 points to pass
4.1: Patient Assistance Programs
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This module provides an overview of patient assistance programs (PAPs) offered by various organizations. These PAPs may include free drugs, co-pay assistance, and other forms of financial aid. Financial advocates will learn how to guide cancer patients through the process of finding and applying for PAPs. They will review eligibility criteria and the general timeline associated with these processes.
4.2: Other Sources of Financial Assistance
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This module provides an overview of other sources of financial assistance, such as hospital charity programs, drug discount cards, fundraising opportunities, and more. Financial advocates will learn how to explain these programs and guide cancer patients through the process of evaluating and utilizing these resources.
Domain 5 Pre-Assessment
8 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/8 points to pass
8 Questions | 1 attempt | 0/8 points to pass
5.1: Tracking Cost Saving for Patients and Providers, and Reporting Tools
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This module reviews how cancer programs can track the savings achieved by financial advocates and use this information to generate meaningful reports. Financial advocates will learn how to collect this information so that the data can be used to support, develop, and expand their team of financial advocates.
5.2: Program Evaluation and Ongoing Quality Improvement
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This module reviews how cancer programs can evaluate their financial advocacy services and develop plans for continuous quality improvement. Financial advocates will learn how to gather feedback on their services and use this information to plan improvement projects and professional development.
5.3: Recruiting, Training, and Retaining Financial Advocates
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This module covers how cancer programs can effectively recruit, train, and retain financial advocates. Financial advocates will learn ways to find the right talent, cross-train staff with different backgrounds, and leverage the diverse skills and experience of their team members.
5.4: Denials and Appeals
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This module reviews common reasons why denials may occur and provides strategies for successfully navigating the appeals process. Financial advocates will learn about different types of denial codes and common reasons why certain drugs may be denied.
Program Evaluation
6 Questions
6 Questions
Congratulations on completing the Financial Advocacy Boot Camp: Level I program!
Your certificate of completion will be shared with you after completing this brief survey evaluation.