Recruiting Strategies: Looking Under the Hood of the Employment Process
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- To start, click the green “Register” button in the upper right corner of this page. You will be directed to “Your Cart.” Click the green “Log In” button near the top of the page.
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If You Have An ACCC Account:
- Please click the orange “Log In” button on the left side of this screen. You will be taken to the main login page that displays your email and password. Click the “Log in” button.
- You will be automatically redirected back to this course/webinar <specify> page, and the green box in the upper right corner will say that “You are registered!” for this course. Congratulations!
PRO TIP: If you save your ACCC password to your computer and remain logged in, you can register for additional webinars and courses in a matter of seconds—with just one click!
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Once you complete your registration, you will receive an email from ACCC eLearning, which contains information on how to access this course/webinar <specify>. For assistance with registration or if you do not receive an email, please contact registration@accc-cancer.org.
Once candidates are in the queue, there are many internal processes that need to go smoothly to offer potential employees the best experience. These steps in the employment process are critical to making a positive first impression. Many candidates are shopping places to work and ensuring a competitive edge means that we need to put our best foot forward in showing off our culture. Ensuring that you have an exciting website, an easily accessible job portal, and are using social media to your advantage are a few strategies to consider. Additionally, showcasing your best assets during the interview process can make a difference. For example, touring candidates and introducing them to potential team members or allowing candidates to shadow can impact how they see you and why they will choose your organization over another hospital or practice.

Debbie Rimmele, BSN, RN, OCN, CPC
Nurse Retention Specialist
Loyola University Medical Center